The Shaman’s Gift


The Shamans Gift is a story about a young couple whose life is forever changed when the Twin Towers are struck on Sept 11th, 2001. Kevin and his friends enlist, determined to be heroes.

Lucy is young, heartbroken, terrified of losing him, but forges ahead the best she can. That is, until something she never dreamed could happen, happens.

Lucy’s best friend, Concha, is dealing with her own struggles. Her Navajo uncle is encouraging her to follow the ‘beauty way’, but she’s unsure of what to do.

Lucinda and Concha’s lives change forever after tragedy strikes, but is it too late?


  Using Sacred Herbs in Ceremony


Smudging with sacred herbs is a way to cleanse and purify ourselves, our homes and those we care about. I often smudge my home after illness or experiencing negative energy.

When preparing  to use herbs in healing and in ceremony, it is good to make sure that your intentions are clear, for your intentions are what will release your vital force and help you to connect with guides, your angels, and your spirit helpers.

I use an abalone shell to burn my sage in. You might use another type of vessel, but more than anything, it’s important to be careful with the flame and sparks. I use a feather to ‘push’ the smoke around when cleansing a home or a person. You do what feels best to you. Following is a list of herbs that can be helpful.



Sage is used to remove obstacles and to cleanse and purify. This is one of the most commonly used herbs for smudging.

Sweetgrass brings in energy. It is very important to be clearly focused on what you want to bring. Many people associate sweetgrass with the angels.

Copal is a very powerful resin from the Copal tree that grows in South America. Because it is very powerful it is used for intense ceremony.

Dragon’s Blood is resin from a palm tree in South America. It is used for a stronger connection to God.

Rosemary is traditionally used by Mexican and Southwestern Curanderos for cleansing and purification.

Cedar is used for purification and to remove negativity. It is also used for grief.

Sandalwood is used for meditation and creates a focused mind. It is also used to quiet anger or any out of balance emotion.

Lavender brings sweetness and cleansing to a person’s spirit. Lavender is uplifting and purifying.

Using herbs can enrich your life in so many ways, I hope you enjoy.