Racism is planted everywhere and like choke weed, it’s spreading like wildfire and rather than fading, it is growing out of control. ‘Falling Into The Shadows’ is the story of two different families, one white and one black, one who breeds racism and one who fears it. Simone is a bright young African American girl and Chase is a white young man with deep rooted racist ideals.


Chase didn’t start out that way, but abuse, hatred, alcohol, drugs, lack of education, lack of love all contribute to how his ideals about life have been formed. Simone is bright beyond belief and ends up becoming a Harvard trained attorney who finds herself representing Chase for the murder of nine innocent church members he is charged with killing in cold blood. What happens will surprise you and hopefully expose the truth of how we all got here.

Merili’s Wine is the story of a woman whose life is nearly destroyed by the bad choices she makes. She chooses the most horrible of lovers, one who enjoys abusing her, she chooses drugs and alcohol to escape from her problems and she loses her grip on reality, letting everyone around her down. This is an honest story about the struggle between addiction and sobriety. It’s not an ‘everything ends up beautiful in the end’ story. But, it does end up real and you’ll find yourself crying as well as laughing as you recognize people that are like some of your friends, family or neighbors.

How hard or how easy is it to forgive? Sometimes, it can be simple but more often than not, it’s hard and can end many relationships leaving scares and sadness behind. That’s what happened to me and what caused me to write this book. What I learned is that forgiveness is a gift we give ourselves and rarely has anything to do with the other person. All too often, tempers run short causing anger and frustration to take over. Physiologically, cortisol, the fight or flight hormone instantly floods our bodies even to the point of making us feel physically and mentally sick. Forgiveness From The Heart offers alternatives that empower you and free you from the toxicity that is so painful and awful. I offer this simple, easy to read and follow book to help you learn how to forgive yourself and others so that yo can live a free and happy life. This book is a gift you can give yourself.

The Broken Road is an emotional compilation of short stories and poetry that tell the story about addiction, recovery and the price that is paid that we often don’t understand. If anyone you know is fighting addiction to any substance, please read these stories and discover how deep the disease is for many people and how some have chosen to handle it.